In case you’ve missed them, there are signs up in the street with notifications of parking suspensions for a selection of the bays in Morshead Road on Friday 24th January and Monday 27th January. The reason for the suspensions is tree works, which are planned to take place on both days.
If you own a car and park it in the street, make sure that it’s not left in any of the restricted bays after 8.30am on either day while the tree works are taking place. If it is, you’ll risk having it towed away! If you think your car may have been towed, you can find out more by clicking here.

On a seperate note, if you’re new to the street and would like to find out more about how to apply for a parking permit for your car there is a feature on the ‘news’ section of the Morshead Mansions website that tells you everything you need to know. If you’d like to take a look, just click here.
It’s also handy to know that if you have people visiting you or tradespeople working on your flat, you can find out where pay-to-park spaces are located nearby by accessing the MyRingo app here.